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Showing posts from December, 2019

解放軍駐港部隊三軍聯合訓練 模擬維港搜查可疑船隻(有片) - 香港經濟日報 - 中國頻道 - 國情動向 30 Dec 2019

解放軍駐港部隊三軍聯合訓練 模擬維港搜查可疑船隻(有片) - 香港經濟日報 - 中國頻道 - 國情動向 - D191230

Regenerative Spiritual Reset ✧ 111Hz, 222Hz, 444Hz, 888Hz ✧ Deep Healing Meditation

6 Aug 2019 Regenerative Spiritual Reset ✧ 111Hz, 222Hz, 444Hz, 888Hz ✧ Deep Healing Meditation - YouTube Mettaverse Music 24.5K subscribers SUBSCRIBE This song was designed to help facilitate a "spiritual detox" and assist in allowing the mind to become still. 111Hz is known for having regenerative properties. Here's an interesting article relating to the frequency of 111Hz in ancient architecture: Mysterious Ancient Temples Resonate at the 'Holy Frequency' ✦✦✦ 🎧 For frequent headphone users, I highly recommend checking out Sleep Phones. The world's most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Pajamas for your ears. 😊 🎶 Use the code METTAVERSE for $5 off purchases $39 or more. May this music bring you peace, healing and happiness. 🙏 Music by Mettaverse ➤ Listen on Soundcloud: ➤ Follow Us on Instagram...

Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, 18 Nov 2019

Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, Binaural and Isochronic Beats - YouTube This is not sleep music. It should be listened to when you are awake. We have used binaural and isochronic tone patterns between 12 and 20 Hz (Alpha - Beta range). You can listen to it with or without headphones or earphones. This music can help you increase concentration, vitality. You can use it against fatigue, it reduces work anxiety. We recommend listening to it during work or study hours for at least an hour and a half to hear the entire frequency pattern. The song contains binaural frequencies, we recommend the use of earphones or headphones. To test this track we have used these earphones They have a high audio quality and are very comfortable. Namaste Activate notifications so you can stay up to date on the latest news. We publish on Monday and Wednesday. Music for body and spirit channel inclu...

Subliminal Messages for Success, Money, Abundance, Prosperity 11 Dec 2019

Subliminal Messages for Success, Money, Abundance, Prosperity | Advanced Subconscious Programming - YouTube How to Manifest Anything with the Law of Attraction! (+ FREE eBook) – High Vibes Now! Subliminal messages (advanced positive affirmations) for success, money, abundance, prosperity, attracting luck, increasing motivation, creating miracles, health, & wealth. Listen to this deep subconscious mind programming while you sleep & as often as you can throughout the day. This paradigm shifting video includes life changing affirmations (both spoken & written), binaural beats (delta waves), & activating tones. This video incorporates the principles of The Law of Attraction (LOA) and The Secret to help you manifest & create your dream life! If you are having difficulties with money and creating wealth then these subliminal positive statements wil...

Joe Dispenza - How to stop being yourself 27 Dec 2019

Joe Dispenza - How to stop being yourself | You make things up - YouTube You don't feel good about yourself and your life? According to dr. Joe Dispenza - You need to stop being yourself and become someone else. By using the conscious mind we can change subconscious programs and by living in present moment, we can change subconscious programs. By living under the influence of these subconscious programs, we live in our past. As a matter of fact, you make things up. Things that never happened. Because thaught is creative. Let's hear dr Joe Dispenza. 📖Check out Joe Dispenza great books and other work: 👉Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon 👉Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One 👉You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter 👉Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind https:...

【娛樂台直播】祖利安 | 資深占星師區姐 | 打仗策略 | , 23 Nov 2019

【娛樂台直播】祖利安 | 資深占星師區姐 | 打仗策略 | 《怪談 見異思遷》靈界真相獨立調查委員會 - YouTube 【娛樂台直播】《怪談 見異思遷》靈界真相獨立調查委員會 今次好榮幸邀請到嘉賓祖利安,以及資深占星師區姐,主要以占星角度講解策略同埋要點打仗~ 另外會講返「光復之路」,中間會有啲咩事發生,等你地有心理準備,唔好咁易崩潰!

HEvolution (Health for Him)

HEvolution (Health for Him) - 一個以破格手法及角度推動香港男同志的全方位內外身心社靈健康的行動代號;同時,亦會舉辦活動予所有人 - 不論男女跨性别,無分直攣雙性戀或其他,建立多元的性取向/性身份的友善健康文化。廣結社群內外盟友交換能量達成願景。歡迎交流及聯盟 (Whatsapp: +852 6596 7136; Email:; Facebook/Instagram: HEvolution hk) Ken 是一位身心靈治療師,致力研究能量與人生課題之關係,與及宇宙法則之運行。 怪談2019 | 廠景:解開靈魂契約之謎|能量師Ken|香港人應如何反抗【怪談。見異屍遷】|【高清直播】 - YouTube Facebook/Instagram: hevolutionhk Whatsapp: +852 6596 7136

TRY IT FOR 21 DAYS! - DANDAPANI, 23 Sept 2019

TRY IT FOR 21 DAYS! - DANDAPANI - How to Control Your Mind - YouTube Start your FREE trial at The Great Courses Plus here: If you are struggling, consider an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp: Get any FREE audiobook of your choice here: If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here's FightMediocrity beginner's reading list: 1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: 2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: 3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: 4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene: 5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida: 6. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: 7. Mastery by George Leonard: http:...

大陸「房地慘」掀倒閉潮 李嘉誠「危機入市」背後盤算?27 Dec 2019

大陸「房地慘」掀倒閉潮 李嘉誠「危機入市」背後盤算?WeLab擁「大數據」絕招 讓李嘉誠、阿里巴巴搶投資!-【這!不是新聞 精華篇】20191227-7 - YouTube 這!不是新聞 FB傳送門:

茅台救貴州 將市值584億元股權無償送財政廳 29 Dec 2019

茅台救貴州 將市值584億元股權無償送財政廳 貴州茅台集團12月25日發佈公告稱,根據貴州省國資委的相關通知要求,茅台集團將無償劃轉4%的股份,市值約值584億元人民幣至貴州省國有資本運營有限責任公司。而沒有告知股東其轉讓原因。按貴州茅台12月27 日的收盤價計算,該部分股權市值約 584 億元人民幣。貴州茅台去年每股派發現金股息14.539元人民幣,4%的股權可讓貴州省國有資本運營有限責任公司穩獲逾7億元人民幣的股息。 香港經濟學者關灼照表示,貴州茅台無償轉讓債權令外界揣測地方政府「需要泵水」。他坦言,內地的地方政府債務危機十分嚴重,已經達到「恐怖水平」,若有一宗地方債出現暴雷,就會引發金融震盪。地方債隱藏的危機是2020年中共政府最大的挑戰。

警隊人手不足 警察學院招生無人問津 鄧炳強束手無策

警隊人手不足 警察學院招生無人問津 鄧炳強束手無策 - YouTube 《港燦突發》 警隊人手不足 警察學院招生無人問津 鄧炳強束手無策 主持:齊阿哥 2019年12月29日 有興趣加入齊阿哥粉絲團的朋友,請登入:

2020重點星象 - 危機轉化之年

重點1: 多星逆行 - 能量反覆、遲緩  😴 2020年除了standard 的外行星逆行跟水星逆行,還出現火星跟金星的逆行。這意味着很多人事物都容易出現反反覆覆的狀態,另外行星逆行也容易讓事物出現各種的遲緩、錯誤,多為不吉。 *金星逆行: 13/5/2020 - 24/6/2020 *火星逆行: 9/9/2020 - 13/11/2020 重點2: 土冥合  🌆 土星跟冥王星會在2020年1月份正式會合。因土星跟冥王星都是兇星的關係,這個組合很容易為全世界帶來各種的天災人禍及危機。特別這星象位於山羊座,相信此能量帶來的衝擊會特別嚴峻。 重點3: 木冥合  🌓 木星跟冥王星會在2020年的4月頭、6月尾跟11月中反覆跟冥王星在山羊座會合。木冥帶來的訊息是「危機」,有危必有機。在這些提及的時間,或許會有很多危急關頭需要去面對,但只要懂得去轉化,就能夠從中找到機會。 重點4: 木土合  ⚛️ 木星跟土星會在2020年12月22日在水瓶座會合,這將會為世界各地揭開一個新的大周期,同時也象徵着9運的開始。在這個新周期中,我們將要適應的是一個新的世界氛圍,一個節奏變得更快及更反覆無常的世界。 星相師 Dr. Mic

橫渡半地球的「求救耶誕卡」!曝陸「監獄奴工」血汗真相… 韓媒「陰招」黑台積電掉槍!美企CEO揭驚人真相

2019大陸經濟真冷?馬雲:一天接5通借錢電話 橫渡半地球的「求救耶誕卡」!曝陸「監獄奴工」血汗真相… 韓媒「陰招」黑台積電掉槍!美企CEO揭驚人真相… -【這!不是新聞】20191223 - YouTube

Dr Joe Dispenza | The secret to Create What You Want

Dr Joe Dispenza | The secret to Create What You Want - YouTube Better Mind Better Life SUBSCRIBED Learn to break the addiction to negative thoughts and emotions with Dr. Joe Dispenza to create what you want. Our minds and emotional states are designed to stay in repetitive patterns. The thoughts we think are the electrical charge in the quantum field, and the feelings are the magnetic charge in this field. How you think and feel influences every atom in your life and therefore every outer condition. Through adjusting our energy to align with states of Higher Consciousness, we can easily alter the course of those outer conditions. Elevated emotional states bring elevated results. Follow Dr. Joe Dispenza's brilliant explanation and advice to learn how to break any addiction to negative thoughts and emotions.


杰赫 時代革命 水瓶座九運 水瓶在占星學上被喻為革命家星座,「革命」是指現政權或舊組織的根本性改變,的而且確,香港在2020年已發生了眾多翻天覆地的變化,但這些改變仍未足夠,基於全新世運的到來,所有人和事都要來個徹底大清洗,只有去舊迎新才有新希望,來年更會是此變化的高峰期。 一年之後(2020年12月21冬至日)木星與土星將會在水瓶座0度會合,這個二十年一遇的大會合,玄空風水學稱之為「九運」,象徵新秩序、新機遇和新發展。更甚者,這次元運是由掌管180年土象元素過渡到風象元素,有些跟不上潮流的人將會衰敗,但有些獨特思想創意的人將會急速冒起,新兵打贏老將會成為常態,你又會與某些意見或價值觀異同的人永遠決裂,與舊元素「割蓆」是來年主題。 順帶一提,從干支曆法上看,明年庚子年坐下傷官,重點強調叛逆、犯上或創見,但在2021(辛丑)之後,天干坐下財印,到時人們才會放下成見,社會才有全新建設的可能。正因為此,來年策略為耐心等待,無招勝有招,無為勝有為,亂世多作事無益。 12月2日上午10:10  ·  2019年12月3日即明天,是木星由人馬進入摩羯座(丑宮)的日子,然而坊間運情書所說的「太歲」,正是以木星(歲陽)相反方向虛構出來的星曜,故名「歲陰」,各位可憑以下星圖找出黃道與地支、生肖、年份及月份的對應關係。正因為此,2020所謂的「子鼠年」,以天星曆法來說便是由明日開始。 木星在占星學上象徵信仰、信念和主義,木星星座反映同年人們的理想追求。去年人馬是一個熱愛自由,追求無拘無束,率性放任的星座,而魔羯便是一個重視傳統專制,家長式管治,實事求事並低調老誠的星座。木星過宮將預視人們在本年會變得沈默而實際,人們更關心的是活生方面的基本問題,再不攪形式主義,由精神過渡到物質,由理想訴求變為實際需求,稍後世人還會醒悟,光有理想,沒有實力的不足。 況且,下月還有一個重量級、關係世界巨大改變的星象「 土冥合」和「 五星連珠 」也在此處發生,由此可見,鼠年的行運密碼就是要人老老實實,腳踏實地,默默耕耘。本年無人可以靠得往,只有靠自己,對自己有要求而不是別人。有關五星連珠稍後再說!


殺破狼占星手記 2020 年星相變化: 首先,木星會在 2019 年的 12 月進入摩羯座,同時在 2019 年 12 月,會發生摩羯座日蝕,摩羯座掌管著國家、政府組織、政黨、政治、領導階層、官員以及各種大型團體。隨著木星加入摩羯座,在摩羯座上會有 3 顆外行星集結,再加上 2019 年日月食會發生在摩羯座與巨蟹座的軸線上,許多人感覺政治環境十分動盪不穩,雖然這樣的局面在 2018 、 2019 年已經有許多人感受到,然而 2020 年整個國家荒腔走板的事情會更多,甚至造成嚴重侵害人權的問題。 特別要說的是,土星在 2020 年的走勢也非常詭譎,它會在 2020 年 3 月~ 6 月會短暫進入水瓶座。水瓶座掌管人權、自由、平等、博愛 …… ,這意味著,原本就弱勢的族群,在 2020 年 3 月~6月將會被許多政策犧牲,在木星進入摩羯座後,政府或是領導階層會不斷擴張權力,特別是大型的國家會更為極權,許多小型的國家、或是小型組織面臨生存危機。 6 月之後,土星會退行回摩羯座,直到 2020 年 12 月會正式離開,土星回到摩羯座後,會有更麻煩的星相集中在下半年,會造成許多事情面臨更多變化。 2020 年上半年,還有一個重要的星相事件會發生在 5 月~ 6 月,那就是金星會在 2020 年 5 月~ 6 月在雙子座退行,金星退行期間,會是嚴重衝擊經濟環境,特別是在貨幣、匯率、貴金屬、資金流動 …… 這些事務變化特別劇烈,雙子座掌管著交通、電子、溝通、教育、學習、旅行 …… 等事務,某些事件衝擊交通與旅行相關產業,許多地區陷入警戒狀態,無法自由通行。特別要注意的是,電子產業也會在 5 月~ 6 月面臨較大的衰退。 2020 年下半年,除了土星退行回摩羯座之外,還有一個令人擔憂的星相會在 2020 年 9 月發生。火星會在 2020 年 9 月在白羊座退行,並長時間與在摩羯座的土星呈現 4 分相,這會造成政府與人民之間有許多衝突與對立,在 2020 年下半年,會有許多嚴重的示威抗議、政治改革運動,嚴重的話甚至造成...

Daily Affirmations

I am worthy of a wealthy life. Money comes to me in miraculous ways. I am deserving of abundance in my life. I am open to receive wealth in many ways. I love my positive, happy, abundant life. The more I give, the more I receive. The more I receive, the more I give. Life is abundant and I am safe. Wealth floats around me daily. Everyday I am becoming richer and richer Money comes to me easily and effortlessly. Wealth constantly flows into my life. My actions create constant wealth, prosperity, and abundance. I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance. I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me. I have a wealth mindset. I’m open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me. I am wealthy. I always have more than enough money. I attract money to me. I feel marvellous as a rich person. Wealth is pouring into my life. Large amounts of money are coming to me in ever increasing amounts. I am grateful for everything that I receive. Today I am attracting wealth, abundance, a...