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Showing posts from April, 2019


如何找出你想要追求的是什麼?別人說的不一定適合你... Jay Shetty 三個步驟告訴你方法 Credits:  Tom Bilyeu  /  Jay Shetty "You can't BE what you can't SEE" 「你無法成為你不知道的人」 "I am NOT what I THINK I AM, I am NOT what YOU THINK I AM, I am what I THINK YOU THINK I AM." Jay Shetty 是國際知名的演說家,他的智慧和演說影響了上億的人。 在他22歲大學畢業後,出家為僧,如今他想讓他學會的智慧影響這世界。 聽聽他想為這世界帶來的影響力。 翻譯/剪輯:Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包

鏡子照爐灶 小心祝融來報到

【阿湯哥@說風水】 鏡子照爐灶 小心祝融來報到 如果家中的爐灶正對鏡子或鏡面材質,經反射後,爐火由一變為二,由二變為三,不斷複製,形成家有重火,也是火氣過旺的火燒天門格局。此格局會導致家中發生火災的機率飆高,諸如電線走火、電箱失火等狀況時而發生,讓人防不慎防。若是遇到到居住者流年不利,甚至可能引發大型火災且災後還花錢整修,會大破財。 化解法:家中爐灶正對鏡子,最好將鏡子移開,隔絕反射映照功能,化解重火危機;若是鏡面材質建議更換或將其貼成霧面。


2019-4-29 10:00:48 隨着粵港澳大灣區進一步融合,加上多項基建接通中港兩地的交通樞紐,香港人北上工作的情況愈見普及,相反內地人亦有更多機會來港工作。在樓市蓬勃的時代,不少人為了置業入市而努力儲蓄。然而,在外工作的按揭規定與其他人稍有不同,或為此類人士徒添不少煩惱。 我們不時收到客戶的查詢,長期在內地工作的香港人,在港置業時究竟能否將入息計算在內?根據金管局的指引,如申請人的主要收入並非來自香港,按揭成數將會比收入來自香港的申請人下降一成,「主要收入」的定義為佔總收入50%或以上。因此,他們購入$1,000萬以下的物業最高可敍造五成按揭(上限400萬),而$1,000萬或以上的物業最高可敍造四成按揭。 然而,如申請人擁有香港永久性居民資格,兼可提供香港的住址證明,或直系親屬的住址證明,經銀行查實後,按揭成數可與港人無異。除此之外,符合以上條件的港人更有可能透過按揭保險公司敍造高成數按揭,但需要的時間及文件較多,建議預留較充足的時間,或先做預先批核。有意置業的人士還須提交有效的僱傭合約,及至少三個月的出糧紀錄。不過要注意一點,國內入息大多是稅後入息,但如果是稅前入息,香港銀行或會要求申請人出示「完稅證明」,並以稅後收入計算申請人的入息。 關於供款佔入息比率及壓力測試,非本地收入人士將比本地收入人士下降一成,不過同樣情況,如是香港永久性居民及有住址證明,條款則與普通人無異,即自住者的供款入息比率為40%,意思為供款不可超過入息的40%,而壓力測試基準(假設利率上升3%)為50%。若非自住及有就其他按揭物業作出借貸或擔保者再下降一成,即為30%及40%。 順帶一提,於香港工作的內地人,他們應有香港身份證,但未必擁有香港永久性居民的資格,如此類人士打算於香港置業,按揭成數、供款佔入息比率及壓力測試亦會與香港人睇齊。而在稅項方面,由於並非香港永久性居民,內地買家須繳付15%從價印花稅(AVD)及15%買家印花稅(BSD)。

灶旁開窗 炊事不順

【阿湯哥@說風水】 灶旁開窗 炊事不順 若家中爐灶旁有窗戶,且窗戶開得太低,風容易從旁邊吹入,使灶火不旺,導致炊事不順,也象徵家中收入會不穩定。 化解法:化解方式是在窗戶旁加裝隔板,以防風灌入爐灶。

A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma

A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma - YouTube Access all episodes here: How did Jobs + Musk, Dali + Kanye, Mandela + DaVinci do it? Yes they worked their crafts, invested in their acumen, found the right mentors and exercised the grit to get their audacious visions done. But one thing every single icon who has ever graced our precious planet‎ has had in common is the ability to install systems that release their greatest productivity. Having worked with many billionaires as a leadership + elite performance advisor, I've watched how they do what they do. And I've taught them a series of "peak performance protocols" that have caused them to x100 their results, impact and contribution. These remarkable powerful proprietary systems I've created include: --The 90/90/1 Rule --The Tight Bubble of Total Focus Strategy (TBTF) --The A-Player Orbit Mentality --The Learned Minimalis...

I Don’t Care What You Think Of Me For Having A Dream | Rachel Hollis

I Don’t Care What You Think Of Me For Having A Dream | Rachel Hollis on Impact Theory - YouTube This week’s guest on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu is Rachel Hollis. Rachel Hollis is an American author, motivational speaker, and blogger. She is the founder of the Hollis Company and the New York Times best-selling author of "Girl, Wash Your Face" and "Girl, Stop Apologizing" among other books. In this episode, she talks about stepping into your calling, how to stop caring about what other people think, and the importance of mindset and skill acquisition. SHOW NOTES: Why her book was inspired by Demi Lovato’s sorry not sorry [ 3:50 ] She identifies as a recovering people-pleaser [ 5:07 ] How she went from feeling paralyzed by what people think to becoming a savage [ 7:07 ] Why she doesn’t care if people love her [ 11:04 ] How she deals with triggers and family [ 11:50 ] Why she focuses so much on intention [ 1...

Rachel Hollis - Living Fearless

Rachel Hollis - Living Fearless - YouTube Rachel Hollis Is between a podcast, a media company, six books — including this year’s New York Times best-seller "Girl, Wash Your Face," one of Inc’s Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 — four kids and a loving husband, it’s safe to say that Rachel Hollis doesn’t have much free time. Yet somehow, she has managed to do it all... And have time to sit down with me for this inspiring interview where we talk about how Rachel embraces the chaos and seeks only to feel centered amongst the flurry. "The babies and housework and spreadsheets and meetings and birthday parties to plan, along with a million other things that might overwhelm me... They are just a list of my many, many blessings." - Rachel Hollis So how does this woman-on-top live so FEARLESSLY??? Watch the full interview out NOW to learn exactly how it's done! This is an interview of pure strength you DO NOT want to miss ...

"HOW To be DECISIVE and Take MASSIVE ACTION Today!" | Ed Mylett

"HOW To be DECISIVE and Take MASSIVE ACTION Today!" | Ed Mylett - YouTube 85% of your problems should be solved IMMEDIATELY! Do you have a system, strategy or process for solving problems? The reason people have SO MANY problems and obstacles in their path is that most people are INDECISIVE. Instead of taking MASSIVE ACTION, they become stagnant and frozen in their problems and NEVER make a decision. Being DECISIVE, Being CERTAIN and taking MASSIVE ACTION is the #1 habit you must build to eliminate your problems! This will help obliterate most of them immediately. Think about the biggest problem you have right now. What effect is it having on your entire life? Is it affecting your family life? Is it affecting your work? Your faith? Your Finances? Your happiness? Your health? Now imagine what your life would be like if you were able to ELIMINATE that problem!

How to Get ATTENTION & Close SALES Online | Billy Gene

How to Get ATTENTION & Close SALES Online | Billy Gene & Ed Mylett interview - YouTube With over 300 MILLION VIEWS, Billy Gene is one of the WORLD'S LEADING DIGITAL MARKETING ADVERTISERS! If you want to turn clicks into customers, learn exactly how to create BETTER more IMPACTFUL content and get that content in front of the RIGHT people... You MUST watch/listen to this episode! This is the interview all of you entrepreneurs and business marketers have been waiting for! Are you wondering HOW to take full advantage of social media and market yourself or your business like a pro? I sat down with the marketing genius himself, Billy Gene and am bringing you all of his marketing knowledge, expertise, tips, and tricks! We are bringing the FIRE 🔥!

"Most of us Willing Participants in our OWN Distraction" | Ed Mylett

"Most of us Willing Participants in our OWN Distraction" | Ed Mylett - YouTube Are you a willing participant in your own distraction? Turn Distraction into Success! YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE! If you are LASER FOCUSED on your dreams, you can become an EXPERT at anything… Even accomplishing your dreams! The reason so many people NEVER reach their full potential is that they never become fully FOCUSED on their goals. They keep allowing DISTRACTIONS to get in the way! There are ALL KINDS OF DISTRACTIONS in the world. They live in your televisions, on your phone, on your computers and become a CONVENIENT ESCAPE from the WORK you must put in to WIN! Are you letting DISTRACTIONS get in the way of your FOCUS??? Your DREAMS? Your FAMILY? Have you been able to stay LASER FOCUSED and obsessive about your dreams or an EXTENDED period of time? A year? 2 years? 5 years? THAT is the difference that sets apart elite perfo...

“After Stress Ripped My Immune System to Shreds, I Cured Myself

“After Stress Ripped My Immune System to Shreds, I Cured Myself” | Robert Zembroski on Health Theory - YouTube This week’s guest on Health Theory is Dr. Robert Zembroski. He is a physician, nutritionist and cancer survivor. From his experiences rebuilding himself after a cancer diagnosis, he wrote the book, Rebuild: Five Proven Steps To Move From Diagnosis to Recovery And Be Healthier Than Before. In this episode he talks about why most diseases are self inflicted and how to start looking for answers outside the traditional medical system. BUY Rebuild by Dr. Robert Zembroski: SHOW NOTES Why Robert blames himself for his cancer [ 01:21 ] The mindset it takes to battle cancer [ 05:22 ] How to become your own advocate [ 06:59 ] The importance of asking why in order to rebuild your body [ 08:23 ] Why you have to have a vision for better health [ 12:34 ] How to address a real life cancer diagnosis [ 14:30 ] Th...

Ed Mylett - Regain Control. You can CHANGE and join the 5% NOW.⁣ Are you like 95% of people… You can CHANGE and join the 5% NOW.⁣ ⁣ The tone for your entire life Is set within the first 5 min of the day!⁣ ⁣ 95% of people make the mistake of being REACTIVE instead of PROACTIVE every single day! They constantly react and respond to outside stimulus and demands throughout their lives rather than dictating the terms of their life! ⁣ ⁣ These demands and stimulus live inside your cell phone! It's the constant flood of emails, the notifications buzzing on your iPad, the barrage of text messages. When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you usually do? ⁣ ⁣ 95% of people roll over and check their phone. They check their messages, emails, and notifications and begin to REACT to those things! Immediately, you have lost control!⁣ ⁣ Your day has a structure, has a syntax. If you open up your eyes and begin your day by looking at your phone, you are now beginning your day ...

5萬元高息存款選擇 七日賺5.5厘

5萬元高息存款選擇 七日賺5.5厘 人民幣定期存款,短綫有望搏賺息又賺匯價。綜合各大銀行資料,花旗銀行提供的人民幣定期存款年息高達6厘,存款期只須一個月,起存額則約20萬元。若資金不多,以等值5萬港元計算,定期存款七日,也可享有利息5.5厘,由中銀香港提供。 東亞(00023)、光銀及東方匯理均指人民幣是次季首選外幣,定存賺息之餘料不會倒蝕滙價,適合穩健一族。 東方匯理銀行環球金融市場部新興市場策略師張敬勤指,人幣是避險貨幣首選,因滙價穩但存息未驟減。他上調人幣在岸價兌美元的年底預測,由6.7改為6.65。 綜觀各大銀行的人民幣定期存款,現時市面不乏3厘之選(見表),冠全城是花旗的6厘。花旗銀行投資策略及環球財富策劃部主管黃栢寧料人幣年底有望突破6.5關,高見6.49。

高息定存精選 滙豐7天加元定存10.8厘

曾桂芬 - 高息定存精選 滙豐7天加元定存10.8厘 - 香港經濟日報 - 理財 - 收息攻略 - D190406 投資界提醒,最近加元的前景陰霾密布,存戶慎防賺息蝕滙,若加元跌至約1.3水平,有實際需要者才小注低吸。 華僑永亨經濟師李若凡說,近期加拿大的經濟數據突轉弱,抵銷油價回升對這商品貨幣的支持,且料央行須掉頭減息,短期利淡加元。 昨天加元低見1.336,李若凡預計短綫區間料介乎1.3至1.37。 恒生銀行首席市場策略員溫灼培補充,溫哥華剛公布按年樓價急跌逾7%,相信受前年加拿大頻密加息的滯後效應所打擊,因自2017年至去年已累加5次息,終拖累樓市。 溫灼培指,若樓價跌勢不止且蔓延至全國,相信加國央行需急轉軚,由3月時還揚言有條件加息,扭軚由鷹變鴿,最快或於5月議息時放風,下半年減政策利率,累及加元再受壓。 不過,對比澳紐元等一眾商品貨幣,加元仍具息差優勢。而本月初滙豐向每天資產總值維持780萬元大客,提供7天短存享10.8厘,其他類別的指定理財戶亦有10.5厘至10.7厘,而入場費齊為等值5萬港元。 至於一個月年息,滙豐最高亦有2.5厘,中銀同期為2.2厘。 東亞(00023)貨幣及利率交易部主管陳德祥預計,美元暫仍高企,變相令非美貨幣窄幅橫行,而加元雖較高息,但多屬短存,撇除買賣差價後令實質回報較少。

鏡子照爐灶 小心祝融來報到

【阿湯哥@說風水】 鏡子照爐灶 小心祝融來報到 如果家中的爐灶正對鏡子或鏡面材質,經反射後,爐火由一變為二,由二變為三,不斷複製,形成家有重火,也是火氣過旺的火燒天門格局。此格局會導致家中發生火災的機率飆高,諸如電線走火、電箱失火等狀況時而發生,讓人防不慎防。若是遇到到居住者流年不利,甚至可能引發大型火災且災後還花錢整修,會大破財。

爐灶背宅反向 財運擦肩而過

爐灶背宅反向 財運擦肩而過 廚房代表家庭的財庫,爐灶擺放位置好壞會影響家中財氣。灶口是古代爐灶出火口(即現今爐灶點火處),若灶口和住家大門坐向相同,犯了廚房風水禁忌「背宅反向」,會導致家中進財不易,容易和財運擦肩而過的情形,本來應該賺得的錢,會因其他因素導致最後都無法得到該筆錢財。且易與人意見不同,發生背信忘義之事。 化解法:若要化解爐灶和大門是背宅反向的格局,可以在爐灶上方擺放銅麒麟,用銅麒麟祥瑞之氣鎮住是非,化解不和之事。

香港修逃犯條例 富商全員逃走中

香港修逃犯條例 富商全員逃走中《57爆新聞》精選篇 網路獨播版 - YouTube  h ttps://  Apr 3, 2019 隨時都可能被抓!港修逃犯條例他們先逃!? 大陸富豪們的「望北樓」 香港四季酒店揭秘!? 大陸富豪欠巨債逃香港 東山再起變非洲地產大亨!?

Have someone trying to bring you down?⁣ Ed Mylett

Have someone trying to bring you down?⁣ ⁣ We ALL have these people in our lives but just remember something… someone can’t begin to PULL another down unless they are BELOW them to even pull you in the first place ⁣ ⁣ I mean this figuratively and literally! I promise you, people that are winning and prospering in their lives, have no time to invest energy in pulling other people down!⁣ ⁣ Pay them NO MIND! Give them NO ENERGY. You should actually FEEL SORRY for these people. Can you imagine wasting precious moments of your life on trying to bring other people down?!? ⁣ ⁣ Imagine how BAD they must feel about themselves to invest energy in pulling you down. PRAY for these people. Give them your SYMPATHY and EMPATHY. That is really what they need.⁣ ⁣ What a truly pathetic use of TIME and frankly of LIFE. Imagine how small, afraid , jealous, intimidated and unconfident they must feel about THEMSELVES?!⁣ ⁣ They can make NO IMPACT on your life as long as YOU don’t let them! You are completely ...

廚房外推後陽台 財庫虛空子孫叛逆

【阿湯哥@說風水】 廚房外推後陽台 財庫虛空子孫叛逆 許多家庭為了加大室內使用空間,會將後陽台改建成為廚房一部分,形成「廚房外推」。廚房是家中財庫,廚房外推至陽台處,就會超出原本的宅基範圍,下方地氣也會變成懸空狀態,導致財庫見空,居住者留不住錢財。此外,外推形成包袱屋,又沒有後門,會影響後代子孫運勢,導致子孫較叛逆。 改善法:欲化解廚房外推,最佳辦法是將廚房改回室內空間,若無法利用裝潢將其推回,可以在爐灶上擺放銅麒麟鎮宅,並在廚房四個角落擺放九宮八卦牌化解廚房外推。 ☎ 好運專線02-27819568、0978297968 # 風水   # 湯鎮瑋老師  Line@ 帳號

My basic business and life philosophy is pretty simple, Ed Mylett

My basic business and life philosophy is pretty simple. OUTWORK EVERYONE. I don’t have an IQ advantage. There are bigger and better looking guys. My family didn’t have any connections. And I definitely didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself. . You must be willing to do the things NOBODY IS WILLING to do if you want to HAVE THE THINGS no one else has! . Everyone works from 8 to 5 . So that’s just a given . So, I gotta work earlier (I’m typing this is at 4:15 am) and my day doesn’t end at 5 pm either . Here’s what I figured out a long time ago . EVERYONE GETS TIRED , everyone eventually cools it , relaxes , takes a break , flinches. And you just KEEP GRINDING. When they flinch , you press the accelerator down and blow their doors off. Someone who is willing to outwork everyone in the room , is eventually the unbeatable one ! And your competition will eventually figure out , you are damn relentless psycho (huge compliment by the way  😉 ) and they want no part of compet...