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Showing posts from June, 2020

Guinea pig breeds

2021至2022去台灣避一避風頭都唔錯?!︱台灣的命運(部份節錄)《李應聰風水命理 節錄》

EP86[林定康師傅]教你如何解決辦公室是非,人緣得財秘法公開 PART 2 (下) 玄太祖 EP86

EP86[林定康師傅]教你如何催急財!打工仔保飯碗、化是非小人秘法公開 PART 1 (上) 玄太祖 EP86

玄太祖命理術數頻道 SUBSCRIBED 主持:Nikio,林定康師傅 歡迎留言討論 ----------------------------------------------------------- 林定康風水命理館: 直接預約林師傅:

【中概股陷阱】中概股又出事! 金鳳珠寶「假金」擔保融資逾百億 30 June 2020

【中概股陷阱】中概股又出事! 金鳳珠寶「假金」擔保融資逾百億 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - iMoney智富 - 股樓投資 - D200630 繼瑞幸咖啡年報造假後,同樣在納斯達克交易所掛牌的中概股金鳳珠寶,被揭發由2016年至2019年間以假黃金向多家金融機構融資逾百億人民幣。據內媒報導,內地最大型的黃金設計及首飾製造商之一的金鳳珠寶,在過去向民生信託、東莞信託、安信信託、四川信託、長安信託等多家金融機構,以超過80噸黃金作為擔保,涉資逾百億,據指現時未到期的欠款高達160億元人民幣。最新金鳳珠寶跌19.03%,報0.903元。 相關文章: 【美股戰報】波音一股救全家 道指急漲逾400點 明明今年黃金價格如坐火箭,為何金鳳寧用假金騙財,也不以真金解決財困?據指,原來有珠寶大王之稱的金鳳珠寶執董兼總經理賈志宏目前有兩家上市公司,包括金鳳珠寶以及在深交所上市的襄陽軸承,而他便早在2016年起,便向八家信託公司融資上百億元人民幣,來為襄陽軸承「填氹」,只是襄陽軸承一直未有好轉,並在首季虧損3200萬元人民幣,爆發財務危機。 同時,金鳳亦出現信託兌付的危機,這些「假黃金」一直到法院強行質押時,結果發現全部都是假黃金。以假黃金融資當然瘋狂,但更瘋狂是金鳳所用的融資方法是「黃金擔保+保單增信」雙重保險模式,即在金鳳以黃金作擔保同時,中國人保財險湖北分公司亦會進行黃金鑒定,增加是次融資信用,換言之,保險公司亦要為事件負責。

Pluto in Capricorn Healing Themes Part 2: The Depths of Your Soul's Power

Pluto in Capricorn is working with us individually and collectively to permanently change the energies on the planet, especially by calling forth more of your soul gifts and talents from other lifetimes. In Part 2 of this topic, we go into the "gifts of discomfort" that Pluto opens up, as well as how we are being energetically re-programmed to connect with core soul mission work. These energies are also related to Atlantis and changing how humanity as a whole is here to live and experience life.

Money. Well-being and prosperity. Feng shui. The best relax



6.28 【水淹宜昌】三峽大壩多次排洪,下游省市全面受災,宜昌人民都泡在水中!


深圳海岸城位於南山商業文化中心區,緊鄰濱海大道、南海大道、后海大道、后海濱路、創業路等南山區的五條城市主幹道。海岸城由東座寫字樓、海岸城西座寫字樓、海岸城購物中心和海岸風情街組成,是深圳西部規模最大的綜合型商務、商業項目,也是迄今為止深圳市最大的室內購物、休閒、娛樂中心。海岸城總投資約20億元人民幣,總建築面積約30萬平方米。 海岸城購物中心是深圳西部經營面積最大、功能最齊全、服務人群最廣泛、最具代表性的集購物、休閒、娛樂、餐飲等為一體的大型購物中心,也是深圳唯一具有濱海風情特色的購物中心。該項目由2003年和2004年世界商業零售建築設計排名第一(《World Architecture》雜誌提供)的美國凱里森建築事務所負責方案設計,深圳市城脈建築設計有限公司負責深化設計。

Daily Guinea Pig Routine 2020

6.28 「中共沒錢了」廣東公安減薪兩成,維穩預算首次下降!

【指恆期道】港股分析 | 港股七翻身(2020-6-28)

港股6月曾經下破2400之下,亦曾經升破25000之上,星期一就是6月期指結算,高收低收不重要,重要是是7月即將來到,到底7月會否繼續有七翻身的機會呢? ======================================== 【指恆期道】港股分析 | 6月最後一週或再爆邊(2020-6-21) 主持: 期權大叔、Lockon(證監會持牌人) ======================================== 只限一次Lockon私人分享會 日期: 7月9號、14號、15號 時間: 20:30 至 22:30 語言: 廣東話 地點: 網上私人直播空間 內容: 1) 投資者注碼控制策略 2) 大戶注碼策略部署 3) 每月大戶期指倉位計算法 4) 應用大戶投資學 5) 認清基本大戶期權 詳情: 有意參加者請將姓名、電話及電郵地址電郵至,請註明「只限一次Lockon私人分享會」 ======================================== 澄清通告: 期權大叔FB粉絲專頁: 期權兵法Option guide - 期權大叔大叔 Lockon並沒有舉辦任何粉絲專頁及各類收費群組 ======================================== ******歡迎各類工商合作***** Email:

Part 3: USA Astrology Chart and Historical Themes of Transiting Neptu...

An intense time of transformation is happening in the USA beginning in 2020, with the most dramatic years being 2022 and 2023. Numerous energy cycles are occurring simultaneously that emphasize the themes of endings, removal, completions, transformation, and dramatic permanent changes. Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo signal permanent changes that affect the masses. A way of life is ending. But forewarned is forearmed so we can practically plan for permanent life changes as a new period in history unfolds. I'll be back with a Part 3 to this story shortly. Pluto Return at 27 degree Capricorn begins February 2022 until October 2023 - 248 year cycle Neptune at 22 degrees Pisces Opposition occurs April 2021, Feb 2022 and October 2023 - 72 years after the Neptune Return Chiron at 20 degrees Aries Return happens April 2024 to March 2025 - Every 49 to 51 years Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini Return happens July 2027 to May 2028 ...

Part 2: The USA Astrology Chart and the Upcoming American Revolution

An intense time of transformation is happening in the USA beginning in 2020, with the most dramatic years being 2022 and 2023. Numerous energy cycles are occurring simultaneously that emphasize the themes of endings, removal, completions, transformation, and dramatic permanent changes. Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo signal permanent changes that affect the masses. A way of life is ending. But forewarned is forearmed so we can practically plan for permanent life changes as a new period in history unfolds. I'll be back with a Part 3 to this story shortly. Pluto Return at 27 degree Capricorn begins February 2022 until October 2023 - 248 year cycle Neptune at 22 degrees Pisces Opposition occurs April 2021, Feb 2022 and October 2023 - 72 years after the Neptune Return Chiron at 20 degrees Aries Return happens April 2024 to March 2025 - Every 49 to 51 years Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini Return happens July 2027 to May 2028...

Part 1: The USA Astrology Chart and the Upcoming American Revoluti...

Molly McCord A brief look at the dominant energies in the USA Astrological Chart, which has Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer. The Founding Fathers were known for understanding astrology, so some characteristics of the signing of the Declaration of Independence appear to be astrologically intentional, such as Jupiter conjunct Venus and the Moon in Aquarius. Short review includes the significant aspects of Saturn in Libra square Sun in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn opposing Mercury in Cancer, and Neptune in Virgo squaring Mars in Gemini. Declaration of Independence event details: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT (Local Mean Time) Philadelphia, PA Part 2: Thank you for watching! I appreciate all of your high vibes and what you have contributed to my new YT channel! Many blessings~~ Molly Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here: https://ti...

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 24 to July 1 ~ Podcast

As June ends, we have a few days of 6 planets in retrograde before Venus stations direct on June 25th at 5 degrees Gemini. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is bringing up feelings below the surface that we're meant to connect with and resolve with compassion for ourselves. Mars moves into Aries on June 28, amping up the desire for getting back out into the world and getting us moving into what we want next. But the second half of 2020 is going to still be intense as July revisits the Capricorn planetary line-up from January when COVID 19 began, but now Mars in Aries will be a major player and perhaps make the virus experience even more active in the second half of the year. Astrologically speaking, I think COVID will be coming back and there will be more quarantine regulations. The June 20th eclipse brought in a lot of new energies, shifting into a softer energy field, and I'll share more about what I've been seeing around this change. More to discuss with you in this wee...

Perry交易室~股市一週總結weekly report~27/06/2020

Space X 星鏈計劃 隨時摧毀中共筆桿子

「三峽大壩」潰堤即在...超越核彈的恐怖威力將半個中國生靈塗炭?【連假大補丸】這不是新聞 獨播

水位超出防洪限制近2米 三峽大壩「擋萬年一遇洪水」只是神話? 中國遇70年最大洪災!三峽大壩瀕臨潰堤 6億人逃得了? 風水師預言三峽大壩今夏就潰堤 劉伯溫也曾描繪潰壩後慘況!? 三峽大壩一旦潰堤半個中國生靈塗炭 威力等同「五千萬噸核彈」!? 時速100公里暴衝 宜昌市將在水下20公尺 武漢、南京、上海全遭殃 板橋水庫潰壩 淹沒30縣市、24萬人死 三峽大壩饋潰堤將更嚴重 像沸騰的鍋蓋能量不斷溢出?四川11年5次大地震與三峽大壩有關? 超越核彈的恐怖威力 三峽大壩「潰壩」將淹沒上海? 「鐵路沖垮、車如紙船」重慶綦江一夜「洪峰過境」水位飆漲11米! 中國全面進入汛朝 最強降雨橫掃貴州...山洪暴發「急徹萬人」! 「三峽大壩」上游早出事 洪水巨獸「秒吞村莊」驚悚畫面曝光! 「固若金湯」變「逐漸母湯」中國官媒爆「三峽大壩」防洪有弱點? 威脅6億人命 三峽大壩陷「潰堤危機」摧毀力如「核彈」! 「三峽大壩」潰堤即在...90%空降兵全滅、下游屯兵重地將毀! 「發電量、航運」成三下大壩金雞母...一但潰堤中國4成GDP全泡水! 百年罕見「日環食」竟是不祥之兆?70年最大洪災「李淳風」早預言! 遇80年來最大洪水!三峽大壩危在旦夕?再不逃就來不及了? 千年古都重慶山城慘變水城 綦江橋斷、房毀、水淹滿屋!? 貴州街頭變瀑布「土石流沖刷」 木瓜鎮水位達六米最慘! 疫情洪水肆虐 又遇氣候異常以及蟲入侵 中國恐爆糧食危機!?

6.27 A2【三峽大壩災難】三峽大壩不崩潰,中共反而加速滅亡?! 揭露當中終極原因!

6.27 A2【三峽大壩災難】三峽大壩不崩潰,中共反而加速滅亡?! 揭露當中終極原因!

6.27 《香港自治法案》制裁撐警機構,中資銀行首當其衝,將切斷中國資金鏈?

從靈魂層面拆解如何停止再被欺凌 ~ Esther心靈FUN享438

U.S. Puts Visa Bans on China Officials in Salvo on Hong Kong

U.S. Puts Visa Bans on China Officials in Salvo on Hong Kong - Bloomberg By  Nick Wadhams 2020年6月27日 GMT+8 上午12:18   Updated on  2020年6月27日 GMT+8 上午9:14 The U.S. State Department imposed visa bans on Chinese Communist Party officials accused of infringing the freedom of Hong Kong citizens, in what a senior official described as the opening salvo in a campaign to force Beijing to back off from new restrictions on the city. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said in a statement Friday that he was barring travel to the U.S. by “current and former CCP officials who are believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy.” He said family members may also be affected, but, as is customary in visa cases, he didn’t name the officials. The visa move is largely symbolic. Chinese officials are unlikely t...

Stock market today: Dow drops 700 points to end the week as coronavirus spike raises concern over the economy

Stock market today: Dow drops 700 points to end the week as coronavirus spike raises concern over the economy Stocks fell sharply   on Friday after   Texas rolled back some of its reopening measures , raising concern about the latest spike in coronavirus cases and its impact on the economy.  The   Dow Jones Industrial Average   closed 730.05 points lower, or 2.8%, at 25,015.55. The  S&P 500  slid 2.4% to 3,009.05 and the  Nasdaq Composite dropped 2.6% to close at 9,757.22. Those losses led to the major averages’ second weekly drop in three weeks. The Dow and S&P 500 fell 3.3% and 2.9%, respectively, for the week and the Nasdaq lost 1.9% in that time period.  “Coronavirus cases are spiking and reopenings are being delayed, which at a minimum will impact earnings,” said Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report. “T...