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Showing posts from March, 2019

How to Start a Business or Podcast From Scratch | Tim Ferriss

How to Start a Business or Podcast From Scratch | Tim Ferriss - YouTube Ryan Phelps Tim Ferriss's advice on starting a business or podcast notes. Errors are my own. 1. It's easiest (and in his mind, more fun) to create a category and own it rather than trying to dominate an existing category with something incrementally better. Category Killing or Category Creation. Create a new category that is easily differentiated. * Read: The Law of Category. Blue Ocean Strategy- 20-30% is very good. 2. Don't obsess about becoming as big as possible. Don't worry about winning "Best of iTunes" or having "100 million downloads". Just do great work in a category (whether product, service, offering, writing, whatever) that makes you new. "Scale" and "Scaling" are dangerous words. "I CERTAINLY don't want a gigan...

Where Does Happiness Come From? Does Happiness Really Come From Within?

Where Does Happiness Come From? Does Happiness Really Come From Within? - Dean Graziosi YouTube Where does happiness come from? Is it in a bottle? Is happiness if everything in your life goes specifically how you want it to is that when you feel happiness? Is that when you feel fulfilled? So where does happiness come from? Today, let's dive deep so you can always feel happiness regardless if you're life isn't going according to the plans you have just yet...

Practice This For a Few MINUTES Each day - It Will Radically Change Your Life

Practice This For a Few MINUTES Each day - It Will Radically Change Your Life - YouTube How To Radically Change Your Life? Do this every day! Amazing speech by Vishen Lakhiani . ►Special thanks to Tom Bilyeu for providing these amazing interviews: ► If you struggle and have a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp. ►Motivational Alarm Tones

Your Brain Is Holding You Back | Garrain Jones

Your Brain Is Holding You Back | Garrain Jones on Impact Theory - YouTube Motivational speaker and transformation coach Garrain Jones has read The Power of Positive Thinking over 200 times to reinforce the practice in his life. As a former criminal carrying the baggage of a tough upbringing, he created a process to overhaul the mental patterns leading him to bad life decisions and came out the other side a new man. The author of the upcoming book Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life explains the power thought has in rewriting your life story on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. SHOW NOTES: Garrain shares the steps he took to leverage his rock bottom situation. [ 2:55 ] Garrain expands on the mantra he used to change his mindset. [ 8:35 ] Garrain describes the power of accountability and how prison was a catalyst for his change. [ 13:45 ] Garrain and Tom discuss his missteps after getting out of prison. [ 18:45 ] Gar...

2萬元定期存款七日 利息高達8.8厘

2萬元定期存款七日 利息高達8.8厘 - 香港經濟日報 - 理財 - D190328

Stop Looking At Your Phone - It’s KILLING YOU | Dan Schawbel

Stop Looking At Your Phone - It’s KILLING YOU | Dan Schawbel on Impact Theory - YouTube This week’s guest on Impact Theory is Dan Schawbel. Dan is an entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author. His books include Back to Human and Promote Yourself among others. In this episode, he talks about the importance of relationships and how technology can either die us apart or bring us together. SHOWNOTES: Why you need to start focusing on fulfillment (and how it allows you to be a role model to other people) [ 2:49 ] The best way to learn what you want to do in life and what you value [ 4:01 ] How to identify your values and develop self awareness (start spending more time with yourself) [ 5:39 ] You have to understand yourself [ 8:25 ] How to overcome bullying and stay positive even when you’re a lone wolf [ 9:18 ] The narrative he tells himself [ 12:51 ] Why he embraces ...

【虛擬銀行】3財團獲發牌 最快半年開業 發牌無上限

【18:35】總結:金管局首批發出3個虛擬銀行牌照,分別為中銀牽頭的Livi VB、渣打牽頭的SC Digital Solutions及眾安虛擬金融,預期6至9個月可推出服務,暫時只服務持香港身份證人士。金管局副總裁阮國恒指,待第一間虛擬銀行開始業務後再觀察市場反應,料觀察期需一年,之後才處理其他申請,但虛擬銀行發牌不設上限。

Dr Joe Dispenza | You Are the Placebo - How to exercise the power of mind

Dr Joe Dispenza | You Are the Placebo - How to exercise the power of mind - YouTube The placebo is you is an authentic instruction manual to cause miracles in your body, in your health and in your life. Not only is it capable of transforming the experience but also of influencing the matter: by taking control of thought and emotions we can reprogram our cells; We have the biological and neurological machinery necessary to do it. A placebo is a substance without any pharmacological power that, however, causes a positive effect on the patient.

U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Inverts for First Time Since 2007

U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Inverts for First Time Since 2007 - Bloomberg A closely watched section of the Treasury yield curve on Friday turned negative for the first time since the crisis more than a decade ago, underscoring concern about a possible economic slump and the prospect that the Federal Reserve will have to cut interest rates. The gap between the 3-month and 10-year yields vanished on Friday as a surge of buying pushed long-end rates sharply lower. Inversion is widely considered a reliable harbinger of recession in the U.S. The 10-year slipped to as low as 2.439 percent. U.S. central bank policy makers on Wednesday lowered both their growth projections and their interest rate outlook, with the majority of officials now envisaging no hikes this year. That’s down from a median call of two at their December meeting. Traders took t...

Unlock The Unlimited Power of Your Mind Today!| Ed Mylett & Dr. Joe Dispenza

Unlock The Unlimited Power of Your Mind Today!| Ed Mylett & Dr. Joe Dispenza - YouTube Turn your brain from a record of the past into a map of the future with Dr. Joe Dispenza! We’ve all experienced a moment of bliss where we felt like the opportunities were limitless and for no apparent reason, you were in a state of bliss. The secret to feeling that way EVERY DAY and experiencing HAPPINESS for no reason at all is here! For the first time in this show’s history, I’m bringing back a guest for the 2ND TIME! Back by popular demand, Dr. Joe Dispenza! He is one of my dearest friends, international lecturer, author, educator and he is on a mission to helping you unlock your potential for greatness and unlimited abilities! Do you ever wake up in the morning and you don’t want to get out of bed? You’ve already envisioned what terrible things will happen and how those things will make you feel. Those thoughts literally make your physical b...

家有穿堂風 錢財空空

【阿湯哥@說風水】 家有穿堂風 錢財空空 「陽宅第一凶,最忌穿堂風」就風水學來說,如果家中大門正對前陽台或後陽台的門窗、前陽台與後陽台的門對沖、大門或前陽台穿破廚房,都是犯了風水禁忌中的穿堂風,沒有讓「氣」迴旋停留,使財氣、貴氣直接穿出屋宅,導致居住者財運大受影響。 化解法:欲化解穿堂風格局,可在大門和陽台或開放式廚房中間擺放屏風。利用屏風做阻擋,讓「氣」能夠迴旋停留的空氣。案例照片中的屏風加上不透明、不透光材質的玻璃即可化解。

How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE | Ed Mylett

How your THOUGHTS Create or Destroy Your SELF CONFIDENCE | Ed Mylett - YouTube "I am worth it!" "I deserve it!" This is what I'm going to teach you to believe about YOURSELF! It's the feeling that creeps up on you when you need your confidence the most. That relentless voice that tells you, you're not good enough, smart enough, fast enough, strong enough, beeautiful enough. Doubt can be so crippling. It can stop you from achieving greatness in your business, in your faith, in your relationships... in EVERYTHING! I can tell you a million times that YOU ARE ENOUGH but if YOU don' believe it yourself, that temporary boost of confidence will eventually wear off and the doubt will settle back in. Confidence has to be cultivated from within! But how do you do this???? In this episode, I'm going to teach you the exact skills that will allow you to conquer self-doubt and replace it with self-confidenc...

"2 Simple things you NEED to ACHIEVE at the Highest Levels" | Ed Mylett

"2 Simple things you NEED to ACHIEVE at the Highest Levels" | Ed Mylett - YouTube It’s time to get DESPERATE! How HUNGRY and FOCUSED are you on your dreams? Do you want it as bad as breathing? Do you want it as bad as LIFE itself? Are you literally DESPERATE to achieve? Desperation is one of the most powerful emotions because when you are desperate, your mind and body will tap into your reserve or strengths, talents and abilities that you never knew you had! I’m telling you, the people who WIN in life are DESPERATE for their dreams and goals. Imagine this… How resourceful, motivated, and relentless would you be if your children were literally starving and you were DESPERATE to feed them? What about if a loved one, a child, a parent, a niece or nephew were in grave danger? You would be DESPERATE to get to them and to help them! There would be NO OBSTACLE too big or NO REJECTION strong enough to STOP you from reaching that...


10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To Jump Start Their Brain

10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To Jump Start Their Brain - YouTube These 10 simple morning habits will jumpstart your brain for greater levels of success, focus, and productivity throughout your day. Learn brain hacks like this and so much more with Jim Kwik’s free masterclass: First, you make your habits. Then, your habits make you. In this video, expert brain coach, Jim Kwik, teaches you fool-proof ways to design your morning habits and start every day with excellence. From how to create strong neural connections and get more oxygen to your brain, to how to boost your brain power with gratitude and journaling, to how to move and eat for a super productive day, and so much more. For a quick look at each of the 10 morning habits mentioned in this video, check out these important timestamps below: 00:22 1. Remember your dreams 00:49 2. Make your bed 01:17 3. Drink Lots of water 01:33 4. B...

缺角房有救了 善用缺角風水大加分

【完整版】風水!有關係 - 缺角房有救了 善用缺角風水大加分! 20190310/#29-9 - YouTube 缺角房有救了 善用缺角風水大加分!【風水!有關係】 去年傳出私密照外流事件的委託人梓梓,在演藝事業重創,收入大幅銳減後,為了轉換新環境而選擇獨自在外租房,入住後兩個月便求助風水團隊,期待新的一年能夠扭轉頹勢,財運大開。但入住的竟是犯了風水大忌的缺角房,怪不得口舌是非、犯小人的倒霉事頻頻發生。

華為承認有後備系統 防美禁用Android

【兩手準備】華為承認有後備系統 防美禁用Android | 即時新聞 | 兩岸 | 20190317 華為公司一名發言人前日證實,華為手機和電腦的確裝有備用的操作系統,但僅僅是在「情有可原的情況下(extenuating circumstances)」才能使用,而且是為了「出現最壞的情況時讓基本的商業得以延續」。 發言人說:「我們並不預計會使用它們,而且坦率地說,我們也不希望使用它們。我們充份支持我們合作夥伴的操作系統。我們喜歡使用它們,我們的用戶也喜歡使用它們。」 報道指出,華為的備用操作系統可能是根據中興的情況。美國政府去年禁止美國公司向中興出售零件和軟件。華為還試圖透過其他方法,擺脫對美國技術的依賴,例如研發半導體,開始研製自己的手機芯片。

Jim Kwik on How to Unlock Genius and Uncover Your Superpower

Jim Kwik on How to Unlock Genius and Uncover Your Superpower | Impact Theory - YouTube SHOW NOTES Jim talks about the work ethic and discipline he learned as the son of immigrant parents. [ 2:44 ] Jim shares his private struggle growing up with his brain injury. [ 5:08 ] Jim reveals how his two biggest challenges became his mission. [ 10:02 ] Tom and Jim discuss overcoming fear and his formula for success. [ 13:50 ] Jim addresses the key problems he personally wants to solve surrounding education. [ 16:31 ] Jim describes his point of view regarding a new educational system. [ 19:57 ] Jim talks about acquiring the belief system and values to transcend. [ 23:44 ] Tom and Jim go deep on cultivating and changing beliefs. [ 27:26 ] Jim talks about adopting a new identity and how identity drives behavior. [ 32:14 ] Jim describes the clues that genius leaves behind. [ 34:48 ] Jim explains why learning is a superpower and how superheroes repr...

Proven Mental Hacks to END Your negative self talk | Ed Mylett & Jim Kwik

Proven Mental Hacks to END Your negative self talk | Ed Mylett & Jim Kwik - YouTube Your MIND is POWER! Conquer Your Mind - with Jim Kwik Do you always forget names right after you meet someone? Do you struggle with memory loss? Do you often forget things or are absent minded? Are you MAXING OUT your brain power??? I'm honored to bring you the great Jim Kwik - THE world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, and optimal brain performance! With over 7 MILLION podcast downloads, Jim Kwik is the definition of MAXOUT with the #1 training podcast on iTunes! The #1 skill you should learn this year is how to LEARN better! Increase your ability to think! This interview is so jammed packed with tactics you better be READY TO TAKE NOTES! You're going to learn exactly what to do to become SMARTER and change the way you learn, think and perform! We're revealing the best way you can boost your memory and brain performance...

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關鍵時刻精選│秦始皇私生子身世之謎 !兵馬俑暗藏五行密碼?-馬西屏 劉燦榮 - YouTube 的宮廷血案!? ( 00:06:19 ))鉤刀在手聖戰無窮 秦王百越戰遭僚人打趴十萬大軍的背後... ( 00:13:38 )「取鮫魚、求仙藥」千年簡牘認證 秦始皇求長生不老之謎!! ( 00:19:15 )六國打輸秦朝!用人頭累積財富秦始皇「車裂」的背後! ( 00:27:14 )斷龍脈、斬六國 驪山「反弓煞」直殺秦始皇陵千年工程圖秘辛! ( 00:33:35 )「一層土一層骨」刑徒之坑死無全屍 秦始皇陵80萬苦力全滅口!? ( 00:42:07 )秦始皇陵兩千年秘密 兵馬俑「中國紫」是人工合成超導體!? ( 00:50:31 )秦始皇統一天下推手 "千古一太后"四貴主政36年!! ( 01:53:01 )2千年前的北斗七星定位 秦始皇宮軸線與星宿完美對應! ( 01:58:00 )黑、白、赤、黃、青 五色兵馬俑暗藏秦始皇「五行密碼」吞天下!? 《劉寶傑》官方粉絲團 《關鍵時刻》粉絲團: 《關鍵時刻》頻道訂閱: