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Astrology Predictions Wall St 2020 | Jessica Adams

Astrology Predictions Wall St 2020 | Jessica Adams

How Astrology Predicted the Virus and Global Financial Crisis 2

When you are a full-time professional astrologer, you make predictions as far ahead as possible, to warn your readers. In this article I’m taking the paywall off an old astrology forecast about both the virus and Global Financial Crisis 2. Until now only Premium Members could see it. We’ll also see why May 2020 is make-or-break for Wall Street and other sharemarkets – and why my colleague Joanne Madeline Moore was on the money.
Astrology was designed for crisis. It’s here to help you avoid problems or minimise them.

What to Know about Astrology, the Virus and the Sharemarkets

As I write this in Melbourne on February 28th 2020, markets across the globe are suffering their worst week since the global financial crisis of 2008. Together with my colleague, author, columnist and professional astrologer Joanne Madeline Moore (pictured) I have been speaking at events warning readers about GFC 2 since 2017. As I write this on February 28th 2020 –
The Dow Jones index fell almost 1,200 points yesterday – its biggest daily points-drop in history.
What Astrology Said About Corona Virus COVID 19 
“Between Monday January 6th and Monday January 13th, 2020, there will be a critical change in the balance of power between the United States, China and Europe. It will also involve New Zealand, either on questions of trade or as a major non-NATO ally. We, the people, need to track this before it even comes to pass to make sure the stakes are kept as low as possible. One Last Note – Post-Millennium Bugs, Hackers and Viruses. As an astrologer, I always deal with American readers who type day, month and year dates in reverse order to British and Australian calendar dates. Yet, no matter how you key in the date of the eclipse on 10th January 2020, you end up with what looks like a memorable code.” 
The 11th November 2019 Virus Prediction
“Where is the Chaos in Your Life on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th March 2020?
“This period is particularly chaotic because we also have a Full Moon in Virgo (organisation and order, clashing with flooding and confusion) and the Sun’s conjunction to Neptune (randomness) across this period. In fact, you can circle these dates in your diary now, because we’re going to see computer and human viruses, and regular traffic, air traffic and shipping affected by wave after wave of rain/flooding.”
How Storms and Flooding  Spread the Virus March 8th and 9th
If this all sounds like some kind of Middle Ages worst case scenario, that is because the kinds of astrology patterns we are seeing (which fortunately you have had since 2019 to prepare for) have not been seen since The Reformation.
It’s quite true – when you see Mercury Retrograde (travel, transport and trade going backwards) in Pisces (a water sign) alongside Neptune (flooding) also in Pisces – that’s trouble. Throw in a Full Moon in Virgo which rules viruses and – be wary.
The ASX Australian Shares Index and Astrology
In Australia, the ASX200 shares index has now seen  its biggest fall since the financial crisis of 2008. I vividly remember Joanne (who tutors with me at The Sun Sign School) standing in front of a packed crowd in Melbourne two years ago, telling people to get out of debt, however they could – as fast as they could. She was right. Astrology predictions and Wall Street realities are showing the same thing. This is not business as usual. 
Within crisis we will see opportunity. I’ll look at that in a moment. But first – here’s a 2017 travel chaos warning about February and March 2020. Right now. And – Wall Street Risks.

Astrology Predicts the Future Three Years Ahead

On 7th September 2017 it was possible to warn you, using something as basic as the planet Mercury – about February and March 2020, and travel chaos, here.
The feature also referenced the Wall Street Crash for a very good reason. We’re in a classic Mercury Retrograde risk zone.
The prediction? “On Mercury Retrograde there are classically major computer, transport, internet or travel problems across the world, usually in influential cities like New York, Sydney, London, Los Angeles or Paris.”
“Always have Plan B and Plan C on Mercury Retrograde. Always allow for extreme weather, strikes, internet issues, hacking, product recall, reversed decisions or other issues to alter your schedule. Back up your computer.”
“The Wall Street Crash of 1929 happened on the shadow. They are often the most difficult parts of the cycle so be aware of that.”
“Mercury Retrograde Dates -February 2nd to March 30th 2020”
“The Wall Street Crash on Black Tuesday, October 29th 1929, was the most chaotic event of the 20th century, leading to years of Depression around the world. It happened on Mercury Retrograde Post Shadow.”

How Astrology Saw an Australian Economic Crisis in April 2019

So many people have a vested interest in persuading us that the economy is okay (or even, great). I prefer to trust astrology which has been sounding the alarm about GFC 2 since May 2018. In Australia, it’s been particularly obvious. Note the reference to China, the EU and America, below. Astrology predictions for the ASX and Wall Street alike show a long, unfolding crisis.
“Global Financial Crisis 2 and Australia in May 2019”
“By the time we reach 18th May 2019, the nation will be dealing with the new reality of Global Financial Crisis 2, which arrives as Uranus crosses 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus and triggers the credit card industry, the banks, money laundering enquiries, Blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, Brexit, Italy and the European Union, China and America – and the rest! Together with some other astrologers, like my colleague Joanne Madeline Moore, I have been predicting this for over a year.”

Sharemarkets in May 2020 – New Predictions

On May 1st, 4th and 7th 2020 the markets will see extreme drama that is part of GFC 2 in astrology.
We stand or fall, then. We can either dive into a Bull Market collapse or we can rescue ourselves and turn an imminent world sharemarket dive around. It’s going to be now or never. The markets and politicians will have to move rapidly to avoid disaster.
Even then, this is going to be about restructuring and rebuilding. We are looking at massive issues for political parties and rival nations in May 2020. We stand or fall together. And it can’t be the old world. It has to be the new world.
Prediction: The women who lead in a global Green New Deal are on the money, after May 2020. We will see an agricultural and farming turning point, led by women. And, specifically, one woman. Watch AOC.

Paxson Woelber

Tracking the Full Moon of May 2020 and Wall Street

The Full Moon passes through Scorpio, the other finance sign, on Thursday 7th, Friday 8th of May 2020. That’s a time of great pressure. A Full Moon is always inner conflict. A tug of war. Of course you know that Wall Street is represented by the famous charging bronze bull. This is going to be about a clash of values. Greed versus good. Greed versus green.
You would have to expect internet and computer billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates to be affected by such pressure; thus Facebook and Microsoft. 
Why? Zuckerberg is Taurus and Gates is Scorpio. That’s basic astrology, but it works.
In May 2020 those two men are also heading for financial karma. Watch them.
You know, if you have your chart (as a Premium Member) and you are involved in the finance world, do check your Taurus and/or Scorpio placements. I bet you have more than the average. And you’ll be playing your part in May 2020. Micro-macro.
Political Parties and the Saturn Station of May 11th, 2020
Another huge clue about sharemarket drama in May 2020 is the sight of Saturn, slowing down to stand still in the sign of Aquarius (which rules political parties) on 11th May. This has not happened in around 29 years. May 2020 is GFC 2 writ large.
Big Business and the Jupiter Station of May 14th, 2020
Here is another reason to suspect a massive turn for the Wall Street bull, bull markets and gold bullion. Big business, ruled by Capricorn, comes to a standstill as Jupiter also stands still (moves stationary retrograde) on May 14th. Astrology predictions and Wall Street symbols (the bull – gold bullion – bull markets) collide in May 2020.
I really have no interest in Wall Street, and you make your own financial choices for yourself – not me, or my horoscope work. Yet, I’ll give you an absolute certainty about 2020. The new green super-immunity food is a seriously good bet. And so is AOC.
4th May 2020
Sun 14 Taurus conjunct Mercury 14 Taurus
This is a very public series of announcements by Prime Ministers, Presidents, Treasurers – but also the Chief Executive Officers of substantial banks and big businesses. The Sun will shed light.
7th May 2020 – Full Moon
Sun 17 Taurus opposite Moon 17 Scorpio
This echoes the basic financial and economic differences and conflicts we saw on 2nd May. A Full Moon is always D-Day.
19th May 2020
Sun 29 Taurus quincunx South Node 29 Sagittarius and semi-sextile the North Node 29 Gemini, at 11.10pm. Sagittarius rules foreign trade, export and import. Gemini, as you know, rules tech stocks. These aspects are about ‘disconnects’. What doesn’t fit.
26th May 2020
Uranus 8 Taurus sextile Ceres 8 Pisces
Uranus 8 Taurus conjunct Psyche 8 Taurus
Uranus again! Since the year 1781, a symbol of sudden, sweeping, confronting reorganisation.

How Astrology Was Right About GFC 2 Back in 2019

On 5th June 2019 ABC-TV reported that in Australia, the economy had slowed to levels last seen in the first GFC.
CNN, at the end of 2018, was telling the truth too. 
As it declared in December 2018, ‘2018 was the worst for stocks in 10 years.’ (pictured below).
In fact the stage was already being set (in 2019) for the Dow to fall 1,191 points in February 2020. The biggest dive in history.

What Joanne Madeline Moore Knew

Like me, Joanne Madeline Moore, my colleague and friend at The Sun Sign School, saw a crash and also a virus. This is from her excellent website, Boho Astro.
“Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn”
“In February and March, Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in earthy Capricorn, which could result in epidemics (like Ebola and Measles) and more natural disasters (like earthquakes, bushfires and volcanic eruptions) around the world.”
“Uranus Transits Through Taurus”
“Uranus is the planet of freedom, revolutions, disruptions, shocks and changes; whereas Taurus rules money, the economy, banks and material possessions.  So prepare for employment, financial, real estate and stock market volatility in 2020, which could result in a Global Financial Crisis Part 2. The more financially independent you are, the better. Can you sell property or shares (before the crash) to pay off debt and boost cash flow? Or earn extra money doing something entrepreneurial, in your own individual way?”

How Astrology Saw a China Crisis One Year Ago

This is the prediction that only Premium Members saw in March 2019, which I’m now taking off the paywall.
“The World in January 2020 – From New Zealand to China.”
“Whenever you see a line up in Capricorn 20, 21, 22 warning bells ring if you also those patterns in the foundation (or creation/formation) astrology charts for a number of countries. What we’re looking for here are planets at Capricorn 20, 21, 22 which points to the status of a nation – but also Cancer 20, 21, 22 – which is about the patriotism, security and territory of a particular nation. We are obviously looking at an historic crisis and transformation and a new order – nuclear and economic.”

Global Financial Crisis 2 Predictions – Two Years Ago

As we watch the markets crashing on 27th and 28th February 2020 it’s worth knowing that astrology was called GFC 2 as far back as 15th April 2018. The horoscope symbols can also give us advice on how to proceed (and did). 
“Lightning Strike! It Begins with the FTSE in May 2018.”
“On Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th May 2018 the world will enter Global Financial Crisis 2. The difference this time is – if you invent, innovate and co-create a radically different new business, taxation and trade world with like-minded people – you will gain in 2018, 2019, 2020 and beyond. Why? That is what Uranus in Taurus is here to achieve. A revolution which sets you and others free.”

More Predictions – The End of Cheap Fashion 2018 to 2020

This was also posted in 2018 and since China’s devastation by the dreadful COVID 19 virus, it makes perfect sense.
“Do you buy cheap fashion? Uranus in Taurus from May 2018, for years to come, says ‘Don’t be a dummy. People in poor countries make the cheap fashion.’ Heads are going to roll in any system which keeps our fellow human beings down. Manufacturing – if it is exploitative – could take a king hit.”
“If you have Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer factors then starting in May 2018, across 2019, 2020 your life will be reshaped by the massive shifts coming in business, with banking, and with the house and apartment market around the world.”
And – 
Food Rationing Predicted With Astrology
“Food will be rationed. You will have limited supply of particular foods, over the next 7 years. The last time we saw Uranus in Taurus, we filled in wartime coupons. Get ready. Think differently about what you eat and where it comes from. Grow your own food!” This image by Sabri Tuzcu sums up the mood in February 2020 as these old astrology predictions start to unfold.

More Virus Astrology Predictions About 2020 – Three Years Ago

What you read
“January 2020 is very much about the contract between worker and business.  Using astrology it would be possible to narrow this period of pressure and intensity down to January 12th, 2020 – even though I am writing this on 17th December 2017 it really is possible to see that far into the future with astrology. We’re going to see corporations called to account. They will have to pay their way, one way or another.”
“I am sure you know Virgo is also associated with the body. Our physical condition and physical state.  January 2020 will also be a time of reckoning for any corporation at risk of class-action lawsuits by people whose health has been endangered by (for example) big pharmaceutical companies. This is Gen Virgo again, born 1966, 1967, 1968.”
“Of course, with Virgo and its great emphasis on the workers, we are also looking at the astrological impact on Communism and countries like China and Russia in January 2020, because it is the Uranus/Pluto in Virgo worker bees who are most affected as the hive is restructured.”

New 2020-2022 Travel and Immigration Rules Predicted

This now also makes sense in the light of the COVID-19 Corona Virus, though it was posted on 7th October 2019, over a year before we knew about it.
“The New Travel, Trade and Immigration Rules”
“The world is set to change its border control, trade and immigration rules in a radical way, between 2020-2022. If you were born with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or the South Node in Sagittarius, you will be affected most.”
“Check your birthday below.  You’ll be first in line for the new passport and visa schemes which are coming.This goes beyond the ‘special relationship’ that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison are discussing for Australian-British working and residency visas, into something sweeping in its global impact.”
“We’re looking beyond smart passports here, into a whole new world of travelling and working – studying and trading.”
“New border controls. New-style customs and immigration processing at airports. The South Node in Sagittarius will conjunct, or sit exactly on, the position of anything you have in that sign.”


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